Friendship Quiz
A man should keep his friendship in constant repair, rightly said by a philosopher. This is so true, as having good friends is one of life’s greatest blessings. With all curiosity, take this quiz to know how excellent of a friend you are and whether your friendships need any repair.

1. After a very long period, you re-connect with an old buddy. However, she is quiet and you can tell that she is uncomfortable. What would you do?
a) Resent her as she is not forthcoming about her feelings.
b) Keep chatting and pretend as if nothing is wrong.
c) Chose to give her some space to unwind.
2. Do you interact and behave naturally with your friends?
a) Mostly
b) Rarely
c) Sometimes
3. You arrange a vacation for your family and your friend’s family. The accommodation is making your friend unhappy, and he or she continues whining about it. How would you handle this?
a) Share with your friend that you find his actions offensive.
b) Chose to keep quiet, so not to make the situation worse.
c) Share the reasons behind your selection of lodging.
4. You have good friends who have gone above and beyond to assist and help you when you needed it the most,
a) You Agree
b) You disagree
c) You are not sure
5. Quite often your friends and you talk about ..
a) Politics or sports.
b) Sharing each other’s personal experiences.
c) Either, or based on your mood.
6. Your best buddy is terribly upset, but she won’t let you know why. How would you react?
a) Since it is up to her to determine whether or not to share with you, so you say nothing.
b) You feel hurt and so you distance yourself from her.
c) You compel her to confide on you.
7. Can you discuss issues and share with your friends that you might not agree on?
a) Most of the time
b) Never
c) Sometimes
8. When your best friend spends a lot of time with another friend, does that upset you?
a) Yes
b) No
c) Sometimes
9. You understand what your friend is going through while she is going through a trying period.
a) Most of the time.
b) Sometimes.
c) In case you have been in a similar situation.
10. When your friend is sad or crying, you instinctively know what to say or do to cheer her up.
a) Yes most times
b) Rarely
c) Sometimes
11. Silences can be shared with your friend.
a) Yes
b) No
c) Sometimes, but you prefer not to have many such periods
12. You realize that your best friend and you are having a problem. How would you manage in this situation?
a) You decide to talk to your friend about it.
b) Identify what could be the causes, and then attempt to fix the situation.
c) Ignore the issue and expect it to go away.
13. You want to express to your friend how much the friendship means to you. But you
a) Are you unable to because you are worried he would make fun of you.
b) Instead of expressing how you feel, do something to show it.
c) Go ahead ,and express your appreciation for his friendship to him.
14. You resent your friend’s tendency to brag. So you generally…
a) Keep quiet because he makes many valid points.
b) Avoid him.
c) Tell him to stop bragging.

15. Does your best friend and you both have a say in what you both do together?
a) Yes
b) No
c) Sometimes
16. Can you ask your friend for assistance without second-guessing yourself?
a) Most times
b) Never
c) Quite often
17. Is it easy for you to trust your friend to keep your secrets?
a) Yes
b) No
c) Rarely
18. Your friend has owed you a substantial sum of money for quite some So you…
a) You ask upfront to repay.
b) You be silent and hope you would receive the money back someday.
c) In a subtle way you drop hints.
19. Your friend calls and says wishes and looks forward to come over to your place, however, you have a lot of chores to complete, and somehow would like to avoid the visit, So you would
a) Prefer telling the truth.
b) Rather lie, and share you are away from home.
c) Be excited to meet her.
20. Is it crucial that you and your friend are in complete agreement on everything?
a) No
b) Yes
c) We can disagree
21. You are going through a difficult time, and a best friend who you relied on terribly lets you down, You would
a) Feel extremely angry and thus choose to never depend on her ever again.
b) Feel hurt, but keep in mind all the times she has supported you in the past.
c) Let her know how upset you are, indirectly through another friend
22. Your friend and you have been searching for employment. When you connect with your friend to share about a job opening that would be perfect for the two of you, you find out that she has already applied for a job. How would you handle it?
a) You vow never to see her again because you are so upset.
b) You understand the situation as you know she needed the job more than you did.
c) You chose to confront her about it since you are quite hurt and upset.
23. Your friends know they can rely on you to keep their private information private.
a) Agree
b) Disagree
c) not sure

Check the scoring table below for your reference. For every question allot yourself points for the options you had chosen. Then just adding up all your points together would be your total score. Read the interpretations below the score card and share this friendly quiz with all your friends, then compare and have fun…
Q |
A |
B |
C |
1 |
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3 |
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1 |
Scoring Interpretations:
If you get a score between 0 and 22, you still have a lot to learn about true friendship! You typically have immature and superficial friendships; therefore it’s likely that you don’t have many close pals. You have to understand that friendship calls for plenty of compromise and reciprocity as well as tolerance, sensitivity, and understanding. If your score is between 23 and 45, you have a good quantity of close friendships, a good understanding of what friendship is all about, and you have a fair amount of understanding.
Even though you might be petty and selfish at times, overall you are a steady and reliable friend. If your rating is between 46 and 69, you have the perfect friend! Your buddies are numerous, strong, and will support you no matter what. Your friends respect you for your empathy, determination, and your loyalty to them.
Tips & Tricks to read:
Always avoid smothering. An excellent buddy knows when to provide space. Lose the battle but keep your friend. Even close friends can disagree on something. Expressing how you feel is better than keeping your fury inside.
Recognize your friend’s faults. Even if you are far away, stay in touch. Call, write, or email, and keep birthdays in mind. Real friends shouldn’t be separated by distance. Be devoted and loyal also avoid trying to be manipulative in friendship. Never tell another person or friend your close friend’s personal information. You don’t have to tell your pal every single aspect of your life. Learn the art of forgiving, even close friends occasionally disappoint one another but simply be a friend.
“Don’t walk in front of me, I may not follow. Don’t walk behind me, I may not lead. Walk besid”
— Albert Gamin
“Sometimes our light goes out but is blown into flame by another human being. Each of us owe deepest thanks to those who have rekindled this light.”
—Albert Schweitzer